The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is a provident fund mandated by the Government of Uganda through the National Social Security Fund Act, Cap 222 (Laws of Uganda) as amended. The Fund covers all workers in the private sector regardless of the size of the enterprise or the number of employees.

The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development are jointly charged with the oversight of the Fund. The Fund is also regulated by the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA), as applicable, following the enactment of the URBRA Act in 2011.

NSSF @ a glance

Outreach Centres
Dedicated Staff
Registered Members
Registered Employers
Total Contributions UGX
Total Realised Income
Cost of Administration
Total Asset Value UGX
Benefits Paid Out UGX
11.9 Days
Benefits Turn Around Time

Our commitment to customer centric excellence

We are the biggest institution in the region with centres in all regions of Uganda manned by competent and energetic teams, availing our members with the very best in social security. We maintain our commitment to innovation in both products and services, adapting to evolving customer saving requirements and consistently seeking avenues to elevate our customer service.

Products and Services

The Fund is a contributory scheme and is funded by contributions from employees and employers. Employees contribute 5% and employers add 10% of the employee’s gross monthly cash emoluments. The Fund also receives voluntary contributions from self-employed persons and top-ups on mandatory contributions.

The Fund invests these funds and provides annual returns in the form of interest to its members but also processes prescribed benefits for qualifying members.


Conventional Benefits Products
  • Age Benefit: Paid to all contributing members who have reached the retirement age of 55 whether they are still in active employment or not.
  • Withdrawal Benefits: Paid to members on attaining the age of 50 years if they have been out of employment for a year.
  • Survivors Benefit: Paid to the relatives (spouse, children, or dependent parents) of the deceased member who had been contributing to the Fund.
  • Invalidity Benefit: Paid to a member who has lost his/her earning capacity and has physical or mental incapacity, as verified by the NSSF Doctor.
  • Exempted Employment Benefits: Paid to members who join employment categories that are exempted, that is, have their social protection schemes that are recognised under the existing law and are exempted from contributing to NSSF; like the Police, Army, Prisons, Civil Service and Government Teaching Service, and employees or members of any scheme which has received an exemption from the Minister in charge of Social Security.
  • Emigration Benefit: Paid to members who have been working within the country and are leaving Uganda permanently. It covers both Ugandans and non-Ugandans who have been contributing to the Fund.

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Midterm access benefits
  • A member who has made contributions to the Fund is allowed midterm access to his or her benefits accrued from the contributions under the guidelines below:
    • A member who: is forty-five years of age and above and who has made contributions to the Fund for at least 10 years, is eligible for midterm access to his or her benefits, of a sum not exceeding 20% of his or her accrued benefits.
  • A member who:
    • Is a person with a disability
    • Is forty years of age and above; and
    • Has made contributions to the Fund for at least ten years, is eligible for midterm access, of a sum of 50% of his or her accrued benefits.

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NSSF Voluntary Membership Plan

  • The NSSF Voluntary Membership Plan as per the NSSF Act cap 222 as amended, allows all categories of workers to save voluntarily in addition to their mandatory savings made through their eligible employers. This plan targets both existing and new savers working for contributing employers as well as those working in the informal sector.

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NSSF Diaspora Connect

  • This is a safe and convenient collections channel through which NSSF Voluntary Members living abroad can seamlessly remit their social security contributions directly to their NSSF accounts from anywhere in the world at any time to save for their retirement.

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New Developments

  • Individual contributions can now be made over the counter at all the 56 dfcu bank branches at no fee. This service helps members in proximity of the dfcu branches to remit their NSSF contributions at no charge unlike the other channels that attract a convenience fee.

    NSSF is also working on making available its collection and registration services at all Agent Banking Company and Interswitch powered agents countrywide. This will increase the number of agent service points from 1,439 to over 17,000 locations. This is in preparation for the roll out of our flagship voluntary offering aimed at growing membership and mobilising more voluntary social security savings.