We recognise our responsibility as a conscientious corporate citizen to generate sustainable value for our members, stakeholders, and society. We are committed to fulfilling environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and pursuing objectives that secure our long-term prosperity.
Peter Kimbowa, Chairman Board of Directors

Today marks a key milestone in our journey as we present our inaugural Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report. This document represents not just a collection of data, but a testament to our dedication to ESG principles and their integration into our operations. It highlights our commitment to fostering not only financial growth but also to nurturing communities and safeguarding our planet.

The Essence of ESG

The prominence of ESG considerations are integral components of the Fund’s strategy and is a testament to our collective understanding of the world we reside in and the responsibility we hold. The global landscape evolves rapidly, reshaping expectations across our interactions with members, employees, regulators, and society at large. ESG is no longer an optional addition; it is a pivotal lens through which we scrutinise our actions and evaluate our impact. By embracing ESG principles, we signal our dedication to resilience, accountability, and forward-looking progress.

The most successful organisations in the world are those that have a clear social purpose, and we aim to play our part to create long-term sustained value underpinned by sound ESG principles. We broadly fulfil this promise by delivering societal financial wellness and good governance.

Our Purpose in Action

Our resilience and sustainability are reliant on the degree to which we remain true to our purpose: to make lives better.

As Uganda's premier Pension Scheme, we channel our resources and expertise towards addressing everyday challenges in energy, sustainable finance, infrastructure, and support for small and growing businesses, especially in the areas of agriculture and job creation.

This report embodies the transparency and accountability inherent in our efforts at the Fund, from navigating the transition to a low-carbon economy to investing in underserved communities.

We comprehend that sustainable growth cannot thrive without generating positive impacts on both the environment and the communities we serve. We have established our ESG priorities based on the needs and expectations of our stakeholders. .

Community Support

Our commitment to community support endures. We invest in local businesses, providing opportunities for under-resourced business owners and entrepreneurs, particularly women, to flourish.

By providing capital for diverse-led funds and equity funding for minority entrepreneurs, we seek to break barriers hindering their access to start-up and growth capital.

Empowering Beyond Retirement

Shared prosperity extends beyond retirement. To this end, we endeavour to unleash Uganda's entrepreneurial potential through collaboration.

Our entrepreneur programme aims to bolster work opportunities, especially for women and youth, fostering economic empowerment and inclusion.

Looking Ahead

Our journey toward sustainability, in alignment with the UN SDGs, has seen considerable progress. We are in the process of formalising our ESG strategy and framework, scaling up the accountability ecosystem for sustainability. In closing, this ESG Report underscores our commitment to a more sustainable future.