How our outcomes
have delivered value
or our stakeholders

Value Creation
Value Erosion
Value Preservation


Financial Capital
Intellectual Capital
Human Capital
Manufactured Capital
Social and Relationship
Natural Capital
  • Interest to members (RoE) of 10% (June 2022: 9.65%)
  • Benefits paid UGX 1.199Tn (June 2022: UGX 1.189Tn)
  • Customer satisfaction rate of 88% (June 2022: 82%)
  • Investment in learning of UGX 3.66Bn (June 2022: UGX 2.58Bn) to improve productivity and increase staff satisfaction levels
  • Successful implementation of the Pension Administration System which enables new product development, automation of key processes to improve customer service and reduction of turnaround times for pay-out of benefits to members
  • Investment in Financial literacy campaigns UGX 0.371Bn (June 2022: 0.439Bn)
  • Responsible ESG leadership and investment in corporate social responsibility initiatives to improve the lives of members and the communities in which we operate
  • Responsible ESG leadership and investment


Financial Capital
Intellectual Capital
Human Capital
Manufactured Capital
Social and Relationship
Natural Capital
  • Significant investment in staff wellness. Spending on staff wellness of UGX 2.82Bn (June 2022: UGX 2.78Bn) 
  • Retention of specialist skills (Data Science Specialists, Software Developers, and CFAs)
  • Staff attrition of 6.5% (June 2022: 2.1%)
  • 86% (June 2022: 92%) staff satisfaction score
  • Equity 54% Male and 46% Female (June 2022: 52% Male and 48% Female)
  • Uptime of application systems at 99.3% (June 2022: 99%)
  • Staff efficiently working from home: 100%
  • 90% of customers who logged complaints were resolved on the first attempt (June 2022: 95%)  
  • 6% increase in water consumption (June 2022: - 27%)  
  • 28% reduction in energy consumption (June 2022: 4%)
  • 8% increase in paper consumption (June 2022: 336%)   


Financial Capital
Intellectual Capital
Human Capital
Manufactured Capital
Social and Relationship
Natural Capital
  • Local supplier contracts awarded: UGX 190Bn (June 2022: UGX 194Bn) 
  • Hi-Innovator Programme in partnership with Mastercard Foundation to support highly impactful and scalable small and growing businesses to access seed capital and technical support thereby creating an efficient business ecosystem
  • 27 businesses received a grant of USD 30,000 each
  • Good relationships maintained with suppliers
  • Supplier satisfaction rating of 99% (June 2022: 98%)
  • Introduced the Pension Administration System (OctoPAS) and upgraded our ERP system
  • Buy Uganda Build Uganda (BUBU) (97.9% of procurements are with local suppliers)  
  • 160 (June 2022: 148) contracted suppliers
  • Green certification for Pension Towers and the Lubowa Housing Development 


Financial Capital
Intellectual Capital
Human Capital
Manufactured Capital
Social and Relationship
Natural Capital
  • Total CSR spend of UGX 898M (June 2022: UGX 249.8M)  
  • Tonality score of 79% (June 2022: 95% )
  • 32 hours dedicated to CSI initiatives
  • e-channels penetration growth rate of 42.2% (FY 2022: 70.5%)
  • Responsible corporate citizen and commitment to SDGs  
  • Responsible ESG leadership and investment in corporate social responsibility initiatives to improve the lives of members and the communities in which we operate
  • We obtained Green certification for Pension Towers and the Lubowa Housing Development


Financial Capital
Intellectual Capital
Human Capital
Manufactured Capital
Social and Relationship
Natural Capital
  • 57% of Employer compliance (June 2022: 55%) 
  • During the Financial Year (FY), the Fund has actively involved its regulators and Government in an ongoing process of collaboration, striving to create sustainable value for our members, stakeholders, and society as a whole. Our reputation depends on and is also influenced by our regulators and government’s perceptions, which in return affects our performance. We therefore have a shared responsibility to engage with these key stakeholders across all aspects of our operations and functions, utilising various communication channels. They play a vital role in our success at every stage in our value chain
  • The Fund maintains good relationships with supervisory regulators and a broad array of other policymakers
  • Our senior leaders and Board commit a significant amount of their time to meet with our regulators and policymakers, providing opportunities for us to understand their needs, expectations and priorities and to keep them informed about developments in our business
  • Procurements processed using e-Government procurement system, and complied to the provisions of the PPDA amended Act of 2021
  • UGX 193.23Bn (June 2022:  UGX 180.41Bn) direct tax contributions  
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements of the URBRA Act, 2011, as applicable
  • 100% of the waste from buildings diverted to KCCA pipelines in line with the City Council Solid Waste Management Ordinance of 2000 
  • Water and waste handling, treatment, and disposal are conducted in accordance with regulations, as identified in Section 4.2, Global Environmental Health and Safety (GEHS), which guide water monitoring and management  
  • Environmental Impact Assessments by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) on all the Fund’s construction projects in compliance with Regulation 37 of the Environmental Assessment Regulations, Statutory instrument No.13 of 1998