Building Resilience for Inclusive Prosperity

The National Social Security Fund of Uganda has demonstrated unwavering resilience throughout its existence, steadfastly pursuing its mission to foster shared prosperity among its members, the economy, and society at large.



ethical leadership

We remain dedicated to transparency, accountability, and ethical leadership, readily acknowledging areas for improvement as we strive to become the premier social security institution in East Africa. We are not defined by our setbacks, we will gauge our success by our ability to learn from these and rise above them with renewed vigour and determination to fulfil our mandate.

First and foremost, NSSF endeavours to enhance the quality of life for all employees in the private sector, including non-government organisations, by offering a safety net against life's uncertainties through the provision of comprehensive social security services.

Through the recently enacted NSSF (Amendment) Act 2022, we are expanding social security coverage and enriching the range of benefits available to savers. This legislation is designed to promote shared prosperity by ensuring that all employees are safeguarded and empowered to lead better lives. It enables savers to invest in their future and plan for retirement, thereby establishing financial security for themselves and their loved ones.

Additionally, we recognise our responsibility as a conscientious corporate citizen to generate sustainable value for our members, stakeholders, and society.

We are committed to implementing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and pursuing objectives that secure our long-term prosperity.

Shared prosperity also entails supporting our members beyond retirement. To achieve this, we aspire to unlock the entrepreneurial potential of Ugandans through collaboration. Our entrepreneur programme aims to expand work opportunities, particularly for women and youth, fostering economic empowerment and inclusion.

By actively supporting the development of small, medium, and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) and entrepreneurship, we can make a tangible and significant socio-economic impact, advancing progress towards sustainable and inclusive economic growth.