Acronyms Description
ACCA Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
ADA Advanced Digital Archival
ADF Allied Democratic Forces
AI Artificial Intelligence
AMM Annual Members’ Meeting
ARC Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
BA. Bachelor of Arts
B2B Business-to-Business
B2C Business-to-Customer
Bn. Billion
BRITAM British-American Investments Company
BSc. Bachelor of Sciences
BUBU Buy Uganda Build Uganda
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CBD Central Business District
CBK Central Bank of Kenya
CBR Central Bank of Rwanda
CBR Central Bank Rate
CCW Customer Connect Week
CEO Chief Executive Officer
COFTU Central Organisation of Free Trade Unions
CMA Capital Markets Authority
CMP Crisis Management Plan
CRDB Cooperative Rural Development Bank
CSA Control Self-Assessment
CSI Corporate Social Investment
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
DEI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
DIT Directorate of Industrial Training
DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan
DSE Dar-Es-Salam Stock Exchange
DFCU Development Finance Company of Uganda Bank Ltd
EABL East African Breweries Limited
ECASSA East and Central African Social Security Association
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ERA Electricity Regulatory Authority
ERM Enterprise Risk Management
ESG Environmental, Social and Governance
ExCo Executive Committee
FCCA Fellow of the Chartered Certified Accountants
FiRe Financial Reporting Awards
FL Financial Literacy
Fx Foreign Exchange
FY Financial Year
FUE Federation of Ugandan Employers
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
HFB Housing Finance Bank
HR Human Resources
IAS International Accounting Standards
IASB International Accounting Standards Board
ICPAU Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
ILO International Labour Organisation
IPMC Investment and Project Monitoring Committee
ISSA International Social Security Association
ISSB International Sustainability Standards Board
IMF International Monetary Fund
Info Information
IT Information Technology
IVR Interactive Voice Response
K Thousand
KAVC Kampala Amateur Volleyball
KCB Kenya Commercial Bank
KCCA Kampala Capital City Authority
KES Kenyan Shilling
KYC Know Your Customer
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LAPSNET Legal Aid Providers Network
M Million
MBA Masters Degree in Business Administration
MDF Medium Density Fibreboard
MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
MoGLSD Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
MOH Minister of Health
MSc. Masters Degree in Science
MSCI Morgan Stanley Capital International
MTA Midterm Access
NEMA National Environmental Management Authority
NIRA National Identification and Registration Authority
NIC National Insurance Corporation
NOTU National Organisation of Trade Unions
NPS Net Promoter Score
NSE Nairobi Stock Exchange
NSSF National Social Security Fund
NWSC National Water and Sewerage Corporation
OECD The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OSH Occupational Safety and Health
PAS Pension Administration System
PBI Performance-Based Increment
PPDA v Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority
PDL Premier Developments Limited
PRAU Public Relations Association of Uganda
PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
RAF Risk Appetite Framework
RPA Robotic Process Automation
Rwf. Global Reporting Initiative
Rd. Road
RMPP Risk Management Policy and Procedures
RSE Rwanda Stock Exchange
SAA Strategic Asset Allocation
SACCOS Savings and credit cooperative services
SACA Staff Administration and Corporate Affairs Committee
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SBU Stanbic Bank Uganda
SMME Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise
SMS Short Messaging Services
STP Straight through process
TAT Turnaround time
TBN Transformation Business Network
TBL Tanzania Breweries Limited
Tn. Trillion
TWIGA Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited
Tz. Tanzanian Shilling
UBTS Uganda Blood Transfusion Services
UI User interface
UK United Kingdom
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UNABCEC Uganda National Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors
UNRA Ugandan National Roads Authority
UPDF Uganda People’s Defence Force
URA Uganda Revenue Authority
USST Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
URBRA Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority
URSB Uganda Registration Services Bureau
USE Uganda Securities Exchange
UGX Uganda Shilling
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
UBTS Uganda Blood Transfusion Services
UX User experience
VPDL Victoria Properties Development Limited
WHT Withholding Tax
YTD Year to Date
Y/Y. Year on Year